Young Inventors Celebrate

Sparks That Caught Fire

Patent, Trademark and Copyright: Our Websites

Our Best Kept Secret Unveiled

We Built it and They Came!

Please Meet: Don Kelly

Hot Off the Press!

Who is Your Hero?

Academy Experts' Team Explores Loch Ness

V1 / First Quarter

V2 / Second Quarter

SPARKS:2001 Fueling the Spark of Genius
The official newsletter of the Academy of Applied Science

Welcome to SPARKS 2001! (V1/ 3Q)
What is the Academy of Applied Science?
That oft-asked question has many answers. The Academy is the place where youth science programs are administered the Academy is the place where innovative research is fosteredthe Academy is the place which encourages inventors and inventive thinkingthe Academy is the place that provides communication tools to local, national and international

The Academy is many things to many people and there is a common thread to what it has achieved and where it is headed.
The Academy of Applied Science is the place that fuels the spark of genius.

Being innovative and creative means being different in a world that is comforted by the status quo and able to appreciate true genius only in hindsight. Breaking the boundaries of traditional thinking has been the Academy's mission since its inception, and this pioneering spirit weaves together that which is seemingly disparate.

We were inspired to name our new communication, SPARKS, because of a statement made more than 140 years ago by President Abraham Lincoln who observed that the U.S. patent system "added the fuel of interest to the fire of genius." We borrowed from Mr. Lincoln when we created the Academy's new motto: Fueling the Spark of Genius.

As you read through this issue of our quarterly publication, you will recognize the connections that the Academy is making and the opportunities it provides for those who dare to be different. For those few who are willing to venture to the edge of tomorrow, the Academy of Applied Science is there to support their uncharted journeys.

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The Academy welcomes inquiries for additional information regarding programs, activities and new initiatives.

Academy of Applied Science
24 Warren Street, Concord, NH 03301
Voice: (603) 228-4530
Fax: (603) 228-4730