Sea Monsters, like unidentified flying objects, have been a perennial fascination for imaginative people the world over. The most famous and controversial of these creatures makes an occasional appearance on the surface of Loch Ness in Scotland. Sightings of the elusive beast of Loch Ness have been reported for hundreds of years, and scientists have been caught up in the challenge to prove--or disprove--the existence of "Nessie."

In 1968, sonar was first employed to search for the elusive beast beneath the loch, resulting in the first sonar contacts of large, moving objects in the loch. What causes the large, animate objects inhabiting Loch Ness to occasionally and partially surface? Could these occurrences be statistically predictable, habitual or susceptible to stimulation? If so, could photographic monitoring equipment be put in the right place at the right time? A scientific team from the Academy of Applied Science determined to answer these questions...
